Latest Episodes
Season 9 Ep. 5 Choosing Contentment
Host Melinda Estabrooks and friends discuss about how we can choose contentment in a world overwhelming us with discontent.
Season 9 Ep. 4 Ending Toxic Friendships/ Friendship Break-ups
Host Melinda Estabrooks and friends discuss about toxic friendship and how and why you should end them.
Season 9 Ep. 3 Belonging and Making Friends
Host Melinda Estabrooks and friends share the importance of friendship and belonging.
Season 9 Ep. 2 The Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries
Host Melinda Estabrooks and friends discuss why we need healthy boundaries and the positive impact they can have on our lives.
Season 9 Ep. 1 You are Seen, Heard and Loved
Host Melinda Estabrooks and friends discuss what it means to be seen, heard and loved by God.
Season 8 Ep. 44 SOS: One-on-one with Award Winning Journalist & Broadcaster, Anne-Marie Mediwake
NEW PODCASTLearn how to create a mission statement, cultivate certain habits that will make you a great leader, navigate the ‘media world,’ and live...